in East Commonlands by Guard Deisnak (+1)
Guard Eridals (+1)
Guard Fefslan (+1)
Guard Gnoosals (+1)
Guard Reskin (+1)
Guard Teridsan (+1)
Guard Tolus (+1)
Guard Walorinags (+1)
Initiate Firansad (+10)
Sergeant Slate (+5)
in East Freeport by Guard Bittmin (+20)
Guard Drake (+20)
Guard Dreikin (+20)
Guard Fentallin (+20)
Guard Goemin (+20)
Guard Hirazen (+20)
Guard Nekropo (+20)
Guard Nlool (+20)
Guard Orpheen (+10)
Guard Popal (+20)
Guard Quallith (+20)
Guard Ranlan (+20)
Guard Sheg (+5)
Guard Topplo (+20)
Guard Ullindin (+20)
Guard Wytiffin (+20)
Guard Xyxax (+20)
Guard Yandellen (+20)
Guard Zeph (+5)
Guard Zintrin (+20)
Olunea Miltin (+10)
Rin Distlemor (+1)
in Najena by a visiting priestess (+8)
in Neriak - 3rd Gate by Eruvin T`Kix (+5)
Ithvol K`Jasn (+5)
Jabon T`Kix (+5)
Jacum C`Luzz (+5)
Jsvan Zexus (+5)
Kerton R`Dev (+5)
Krizon G`Noir (+5)
Kszan Punox (+5)
Perrir Zexus (+5)
Ulazia W`Selo (+5)
in Neriak - Foreign Quarter by Psal G`Noir (+5)
in North Freeport by Dunore Moorwing (+1)
in Northern Desert of Ro by Guard Brendyl (+20)
Guard Fintran (+20)
Guard Stoutman (+20)
in The Lesser Faydark by Priestess Llandra (+35)
Teir`Dal Prophet (+3)
in The Rathe Mountains by Guard Carnita (+20)
Guard Fernaldo (+20)
in West Commonlands by Guard Colin (+10)
Guard Valon (+10)
in West Freeport by Armorer Dellin (+20)
Brother Jentry (+40)
Captain Hazran (+20)
Guard Alayle (+5)
Guard Bonlo (+5)
Guard Corpillius (+5)
Guard Cozak (+5)
Guard Doolin (+5)
Guard Drazden (+40)
Guard Effel (+5)
Guard Fikus (+5)
Guard Fralldo (+5)
Guard Gollus (+5)
Guard Greedin (+5)
Guard Hiron (+5)
Guard Hrakin (+5)
Guard Imillin (+5)
Guard Inofus (+5)
Guard Jacsen (+5)
Guard Jendl (+5)
Guard Jup (+5)
Guard Kroon (+5)
Guard Ledshin (+5)
Guard Lithnon (+5)
Guard Mizraen (+5)
Guard Munden (+5)
Guard Ogo (+5)
Sir Lucan D`Lere (+200)
in East Commonlands by Altunic Jartin (-5)
in North Freeport by Amata D`Lavi (-5)
Arem Ulosia (-10)
Celsar Vestagon (-1)
Direlee Furme (-10)
Edwardian Holyblade (-20)
Eestyana Naestra (-20)
Egasia Reenix (-5)
Geep Tresoj (-5)
Ghonic Erharn (-10)
Gygus Remnara (-5)
Hulos Ghenar (-5)
Jemoz Lerkarson (-20)
Kalatrina Plossen (-20)
Lanis Herion (-5)
Locarme Zennix (-5)
Merko Quetalis (-20)
Mevah Toklius (-5)
Nosspri Andrika (-5)
Palious Jarten (-1)
Perep Chen (-5)
Plur Etinu (-5)
Sentry Andlin (-10)
Sentry Boris (-10)
Sentry Gallius (-10)
Sentry Janeal (-10)
Sentry Meighan (-10)
Sentry Theo (-10)
Sentry Warren (-10)
Serna Tasknon (-20)
Sir Ackmin (-20)
Sir Arlin (-20)
Sir Artanis (-20)
Sir Breel (-20)
Sir Costkin (-20)
Sir Drolfis (-20)
Sir Folon (-20)
Sir Fosco (-20)
Sir Glimmon (-20)
Sir Hallis (-20)
Sir Hogo (-20)
Sir Iot (-20)
Sir Lishmin (-20)
Sir Mollin (-20)
Sir Noshon (-20)
Sir Ollin (-20)
Sir Penan (-20)
Sir Phallin (-20)
Sir Rophol (-20)
Sir Shalint (-20)
Sir Willam (-20)
Sir Xantille (-20)
Theron Rolius (-20)
Tholius Quey (-20)
Thurion Desius (-5)
Valeron Dushire (-20)
in Oasis of Marr by Innkeep Marnan (-3)
in The Rathe Mountains by Elisabeth (-30)
Sentry Joanna (-50)
in The Southern Plains of Karana by Sentry Alechin (-25)
in West Commonlands by Mojax Hikspin (-5)
Simon Aldicott (-200)
Skipynn Stoneheart (-1)
in West Freeport by Hyrill Pon (-3)
peasant woman (-20)
Ulia Yovar (-5)