Vibrating Hammer of Infuse*

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This is a Vegas item based off of Vibrating Hammer of Infuse

*Overking Bathezids prized possession.

Magic, Lore
Class: CLR
Race: ALL

Weight: 13
Skill: 2HB
AC: 8
HP: 100
Base Damage: 25
Delay: 35
Damage Bonus: 38
Strength: 20
Stamina: 10
Wisdom: 10
Magic Resist: 5
Fire Resist: 5
Cold Resist: 5
Disease Resist: 5
Poison Resist: 5

Click Effect: Transmute Gauntlets (Casting Time: Instant | Recast Time: None)
Click Type: Expendable.
Level For Effect: 50
Charges: 1

Value: 25 0 0 0

Gear Score: 192.03
Not yet acquired.

This item can be summoned by the spells:

This item can be summoned by the items: