Captain Bvellos - [Named/Rare]
First Killed On 2022-08-31 23:29:04
Guild: Foolish Mortals
Players: Deepwater, Gold, and Prohkor

Search for this NPC on Allakhazam
Full Name Captain Bvellos
Level 53
Race Giant
Class Paladin
Main Faction Kromzek
Health Points 28,000
Damage 77 to 213
Attack Speed194%
Special Attacks Magic Attack, Unmezzable, Unstunnable
Magic Resists 25
Cold Resists 25
Fire Resists 25
Disease Resists 25
Poison Resists 25
Vegas Low3,324
Vegas High8,976

This NPC spawns in

Kael Drakkel
Uncommon spawn every 28 min

Killing this NPC lowers factions with

Killing this NPC raises factions with

This NPC casts the following spells

When killed, this NPC can drop

Click here for Vegas drops

  • Dire Wolf-Hide Cloak (Armor) - Very Rare
  • Glimmering Mithril Torque (Armor) - Uncommon
  • Glowing Black Sword (1HS) - Common
  • Storm Giant Meat (Combinable) - Uncommon
  • Storm Giant Toes (Tradeskill Items) - Uncommon