Foreman Gworknop - [Raid Encounter] [3 points]
First Killed On 2024-02-28 08:07:13
Players: Bedazz and Bones

Search for this NPC on Allakhazam
Full Name Foreman Gworknop
Level 62
Race Grimling
Class Warrior
Main Faction Grimlings of the Forest
Health Points 500,000
Damage 144 to 750
Attack Speed220%
Special Attacks Rooted,
Summons, Enrages, Triple Attack, Magic Attack, Unslowable, Unmezzable, Uncharmable, Unstunnable, Unsnarable, Unfearable, Unpacifiable
Magic Resists 75
Cold Resists 100
Fire Resists 150
Disease Resists 100
Poison Resists 100
Vegas Low307,628
Vegas High922,883

This NPC may spawn in

The Acrylia Caverns

Killing this NPC lowers factions with

This NPC casts the following spells

When killed, this NPC can drop

Click here for Vegas drops

  • Bloodstained Robes (Armor) - Very Rare
  • Bone Ring of Disharmony (Tradeskill Items) - Very Rare
  • Crown of the Defender (Tradeskill Items) - Very Rare
  • Emaciated Maul of the Overseer (2HB) - Very Rare
  • Short Bone Blade of the Grimling (1HS) - Very Rare
  • Vial of Suspended Mana (Armor) - Very Rare