
Search for this NPC on Allakhazam
Full Name Stragak
Level 45
Race Troll
Class Merchant
Main Faction Grobb Merchants
Health Points 5,875
Damage 90 to 231
Attack Speed110%
Special Attacks Magic Attack
Magic Resists 25
Cold Resists 25
Fire Resists 25
Disease Resists 25
Poison Resists 25

This NPC spawns in

Innothule Swamp
Spawns every 2 min

Killing this NPC lowers factions with

This NPC sells

  • Spell: Abolish Disease (8 1 6 3)
  • Spell: Affliction (1 2 2 7)
  • Spell: Counteract Disease (1 9 5 8)
  • Spell: Counteract Poison (1 9 5 8)
  • Spell: Endure Disease (2 7 5)
  • Spell: Endure Poison (2 7 5)
  • Spell: Envenomed Bolt (8 1 6 3)
  • Spell: Envenomed Breath (1 9 5 8)
  • Spell: Gale of Poison (5 1 7 1)
  • Spell: Infectious Cloud (8 7)
  • Spell: Insidious Fever (1 2 2 7)
  • Spell: Insidious Malady (5 1 7 1)
  • Spell: Plague (8 1 6 3)
  • Spell: Poison Storm (1 9 5 8)
  • Spell: Resist Disease (3 9 3)
  • Spell: Resist Poison (3 9 3)
  • Spell: Scourge (3 9 3)
  • Spell: Sicken (8 5)
  • Spell: Tainted Breath (2 7 5)
  • Spell: Venom of the Snake (3 9 3)