The Ghoul Lord - [Named/Rare]
First Killed On 2023-10-29 10:09:52
Guild: Order of the Maple Leaf
Players: Pethe and Sojourn

Search for this NPC on Allakhazam
Full Name The Ghoul Lord
Level 1
Race Ghoul
Class Shadowknight
Main Faction KOS_Assist
Health Points 0
Damage 0 to 0
Attack Speedinf%
Special Attacks Magic Attack, Immune to Non-Magic Melee, Magic Attack
Magic Resists 0
Cold Resists 0
Fire Resists 0
Disease Resists 0
Poison Resists 0

This NPC spawns in

The Torgiran Mines
Uncommon spawn every 6 hours

This NPC casts the following spells