Serilia Whistlewind

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Full Name Serilia Whistlewind Bard Songs
Level 40
Race Guard
Class Merchant
Main Faction Songweavers
Health Points 3,250
Damage 32 to 124
Attack Speed110%
Special Attacks Magic Attack
Magic Resists 25
Cold Resists 25
Fire Resists 25
Disease Resists 25
Poison Resists 25

This NPC spawns in

The Greater Faydark
Spawns every 6 min +/- 1 min

Killing this NPC lowers factions with

This NPC sells

  • Song: Angstlichs Appalling Screech (2 2 9 8)
  • Song: Cinda`s Charismatic Carillon (4 1 1)
  • Song: Crission`s Pixie Strike (2 6 6 6)
  • Song: Kelin`s Lucid Lullaby (7 6 5)
  • Song: Kelin`s Lugubrious Lament (2 1 8)
  • Song: Sionachie`s Dreams (27 2)
  • Song: Solon`s Bravura (5 1 7 1)
  • Song: Solon`s Song of the Sirens (2 4 7 9)
  • Song: Syvelian`s Anti-Magic Aria (5 4 4)