Spell: Stability

Info - [ID: 1255]

When cast on youYou drink the potion.
When cast on other drinks a potion.
When fadingThe potion has worn off.
Casting Time0 sec
Recovery Time0 sec
Recast Time0 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration30 min (300 ticks)

Spell Effects

    Effect 3: Increase STA by 15
    Effect 4: Increase STR by 25

Items with this spell:

10 Dose Potion of Lesser Stability
10 Dose Potion of Stability
10 Doses of Greater Stability
5 Dose Greater Potion of Stability
5 Dose Potion of Lesser Stability
5 Dose Potion of Stability
Greater Potion of Stability
Potion of Lesser Stability
Potion of Stability