Spell: Glimpse

Info - [ID: 51]

Classes Ranger (9), Wizard (4)
When cast on youYour eyes feel stronger.
When cast on other's eyes gleam.
When fadingYour vision fades.
Casting Time1.5 sec
Recovery Time2.25 sec
Recast Time12 sec
TargetSelf Only
Duration18 sec (3 ticks)

Spell Effects

    Effect 1: Increase Magnification by up to 55%

    Items with this spell:

    Evil Eye Lens
    Fearful Sceptre of the Observers
    Fearful Varnished Wooden Crook
    Hateful Sceptre of the Observers
    Hateful Varnished Wooden Crook
    Preserved Split Paw Eye
    Sceptre of the Observers
    Spell: Glimpse
    Varnished Wooden Crook
    Vengeful Sceptre of the Observers
    Vengeful Varnished Wooden Crook