Alternate Abilities - Weavie
Title Cur/Max Cost
Advanced Innate Agility 10 / 10 --
Advanced Innate Charisma 0 / 10 1
Advanced Innate Dexterity 10 / 10 --
Advanced Innate Intelligence 0 / 10 1
Advanced Innate Stamina 10 / 10 --
Advanced Innate Strength 10 / 10 --
Advanced Innate Wisdom 0 / 10 1
Bertoxxulous' Gift 10 / 10 --
Blessing of E'ci 10 / 10 --
Enhanced Cold Resistance 10 / 10 --
Enhanced Disease Resistance 10 / 10 --
Enhanced Fire Resistance 10 / 10 --
Enhanced Magic Resistance 10 / 10 --
Enhanced Poison Resistance 10 / 10 --
First Aid 0 / 3 1
Increased Extended Targets 0 / 8 2
Innate Agility 5 / 5 --
Innate Charisma 2 / 5 1
Innate Cold Protection 5 / 5 --
Innate Dexterity 5 / 5 --
Innate Disease Protection 5 / 5 --
Innate Fire Protection 5 / 5 --
Innate Intelligence 0 / 5 1
Innate Lung Capacity 3 / 3 --
Innate Magic Protection 5 / 5 --
Innate Metabolism 0 / 3 1
Innate Poison Protection 5 / 5 --
Innate Regeneration 0 / 5 1
Innate Run Speed 5 / 5 --
Innate See Invis 0 / 1 5
Innate Stamina 5 / 5 --
Innate Strength 5 / 5 --
Innate Wisdom 5 / 5 --
Marr's Protection 10 / 10 --
Mystical Attuning 20 / 20 --
New Tanaan Crafting Mastery 0 / 6 3
Packrat 0 / 5 1
Planar Power 27 / 27 --
Planar Resistance 2 / 10 5
Shroud of The Faceless 10 / 10 --
Warding of Solusek 10 / 10 --
Title Cur/Max Cost
Channeling Focus 0 / 3 2
Combat Agility 1 / 3 4
Combat Fury 0 / 6 2
Combat Stability 0 / 3 2
Coup de Grace 0 / 3 2
Critical Affliction 0 / 6 2
Destructive Fury 0 / 3 3
Fear Resistance 3 / 3 --
Finishing Blow 0 / 3 2
Fury of Magic 0 / 6 3
Fury of the Ages 0 / 3 3
Innate Defense 0 / 5 3
Lightning Reflexes 0 / 5 3
Mastery of the Past 0 / 3 3
Mental Clarity 0 / 5 1
Mnemonic Retention 4 / 4 --
Natural Durability 3 / 3 --
Natural Healing 2 / 3 6
Persistent Casting 0 / 10 3
Slippery Attacks 0 / 5 3
Spell Casting Expertise 0 / 3 2
Spell Casting Fury 1 / 3 4
Spell Casting Subtlety 1 / 3 4
Veteran's Wrath 0 / 3 3
Weapon Affinity 0 / 5 5
Title Cur/Max Cost
Acrobatics 0 / 3 3
Adv. Trap Negotiation 0 / 3 3
Ambidexterity 0 / 1 9
Ayonaes Tutelage 3 / 3 --
Boastful Bellow 0 / 1 6
Body and Mind Rejuvenation 0 / 1 5
Extended Notes 2 / 3 9
Fading Memories 1 / 1 --
Fleet of Foot 0 / 2 2
Harmonious Attack 0 / 5 2
Instrument Mastery 3 / 3 --
Jam Fest 3 / 3 --
Physical Enhancement 1 / 1 --
Selo's Enduring Cadence 0 / 3 3
Singing Mastery 3 / 3 --
Sinister Strikes 0 / 1 6
Sionachie's Crescendo 0 / 3 2
Tactical Mastery 0 / 4 5
Title Cur/Max Cost
Bind Affinity 1 / 1 --
Gate 1 / 1 --
Lesson of the Devoted 1 / 1 --
Origin 1 / 1 --
AA Points:168
Point Spent:584