Raid Points - Yecres
----------------------Killed Raid Targets----------------------
Name +/-
| Point Value +/-
| Zone +/-
| Difficulty +/-
--------------------Unkilled Raid Targets--------------------
Name +/-
| Point Value +/-
| Zone +/-
| Difficulty +/-
Total Points - 11----- Killed Raid Targets -----
Maestro of Rancor - 1 point(s) - Plane of Hate - 9,225
Venril Sathir - 1 point(s) - Karnor's Castle - 10,344
Faydedar - 1 point(s) - Timorous Deep - 12,878
Terror - 1 point(s) - The Plane of Fear - 15,846
Dread - 1 point(s) - The Plane of Fear - 18,960
Fright - 1 point(s) - The Plane of Fear - 22,943
Severilous - 1 point(s) - The Emerald Jungle - 25,295
Innoruuk - 2 point(s) - Plane of Hate - 62,739
Grummus - 2 point(s) - The Plane of Disease - 572,802