Bot Information and Features


Also viewable in #bot-commands on the Discord.

^create help - information on how to create a bot.
^? - pulls up a list of all commands
Type "help" after any command for a description - ^attack help

Bots are extremely intelligent and like you've never seen before.

  • Spawnable Bots are unlocked as you level, beginning at level 5. (1 @ L5, 2 @ L10, 3 @ L25, 4 @ L40, 5 @ L50).
  • After level 50 you can start unlocking more bots by killing raid targets, with unlocks listed at the bottom of this page.
  • Your progress of killed/unkilled raid targets and points can be tracked on CharBrowser by clicking the Raid button on your character's profile.
  • You can also talk to Guide Varn in The Hub for your point/unlock status.

  • Bots can be used in raids.
  • They will heal and buff across the raid as needed.
  • Monk bots use their epic in combat automatically if it is equipped, Mage bots can summon their epic if it is equipped. Use ^petsettype epic/^pst epic.
  • Bots can click any clickable equipped item via ^clickitem. IE (^clickitem 13 byclass 8) would cause all Bard bots to click their primary item.
  • Bots can hold and adjust all of their spells/spell types and when they can cast as well as customize all healing thresholds for bots and players. (See below for more details).
  • Death Touch will hit Bots if they are the primary target.
  • Bots will auto-invis in The Plane of Knowledge; use see-invis or invite bots to groups to interact.
  • Bots gain most of the passive AAs for their class automatically upon leveling.
  • They will honor Blocked Buffs on a player and not cast those spells on the targeted player.
  • Bot messages can be filtered by the Pet Responses filter.

  • ...and so many more perks to the bots you'll experience here.


  • When gearing your bots, use ^iu (^itemuse) to see bots that can use the item on your cursor. Use (^iu help) for even more options.
  • Stances are ONLY used for Pet Heals (more info under "Pet Healing Info") and for making Non-Warriors enter a taunting state by default if set to Aggressive (^stance 5).
  • ---This requires a zone or camp to take initial effect but will carry over thereafter. This can still be toggled off by ^taunt as usual.
  • If a bot isn't casting a group spell you want (Selo`s for example), make sure to click the buff off the bot that would normally cast the spell so they'll recast.
  • If you don't want bots to auto aggro, you can turn off autodefend and they will only attack when told. ^oo autodefend disable.
  • --- This can be coupled with ^guard spawned to set up a camp to pull to and then told to ^attack spawned.

    These are Macros for easy spawn, invite and grouping of raids for boxes and bots --- Instructions inside so read carefully
  • Use RaidSetupForRaidLeader.mac on your main box (the one that is going to be the raid leader and doing all the inviting)
  • Use BoxSpawnRaidBots.mac for any secondary boxes with bots that need to be spawned and invited, be sure to rename this appropriately.
    Below are samples that I use to spawn bots. Bones is my main that is the raid leader, Bedazz is the boxed character.

    If your version of MQ2 gets stuck before grouping the bots, some versions don't like the line below and it can be deleted. /if (!${Raid.Locked}) /goto :LockLoop from RaidSetupForRaidLeader.mac

    For a generic list of bot commands, go to EQEmu Bot Commands. This does not include any VegasEQ commands, see below for details.

    Command-Based Spell Commands

  • ^bind/^bindaffinity
  • ^calm
  • ^charm - use ^petremove to remove pet and prep for charming. Or use ^holdpets to prevent casting of pets and ^pgl if a pet is already summoned.
  • ^cure (blindness | poison | disease)
  • ^eb
  • ^identify
  • ^invis/^invisibility (living | undead | animal | see)
  • ^lev/^levitation
  • ^lore
  • ^lull
  • ^mesmerize/^mez
  • ^movementspeed
  • ^pacify
  • ^petsettype/^pst
  • ^resist/^resistance (fire | cold | poison | disease | magic)
  • ^rez/^resurrect
  • ^revive
  • ^root
  • ^snare
  • ^sow
  • ^waterbreathing/^wb

    Port Commands

  • ^cir/^circle destination name | list (Druids)
  • ^depart destination name | list (Both)
  • ^escape
  • ^gate
  • ^port/^portal destination name | list (Wizards)
  • ^sendhome

    Spell List Commands

    These settings allow you to control the bot's spell list and modify it from the pre-defined lists.

    Priority and Min/Max HP are unused in these options

  • ^enforcespellsettings - Toggles your Bot to cast only spells in their spell settings list which you can customize below.
  • ^spells - Lists all Spells available to the Bot from the server list.
  • ^spellsettings - Lists a bot's spell setting entries.
  • ^spellsettingsadd - Add a bot spell setting entry.

    Spell Type Hold Commands

    These commands allow you to tell a bot to hold a specify type of spell and not cast it.

  • ^holdaenukes
  • ^holdaerains
  • ^holdbuffs
  • ^holdcompleteheals
  • ^holdcharms
  • ^holdcures
  • ^holddebuffs
  • ^holddispels
  • ^holdds (damage shield buffs)
  • ^holddots
  • ^holdescapes
  • ^holdfastheals
  • ^holdgroupheals
  • ^holdhateredux
  • ^holdheals
  • ^holdhotheals
  • ^holdincombatbuff
  • ^holdincombatbuffsongs
  • ^holdlifetaps
  • ^holdlulls
  • ^holdmez
  • ^holdnukes
  • ^holdoutofcombatbuffsongs
  • ^holdpets
  • ^holdpetbuffs
  • ^holdpetheals
  • ^holdprecombatbuffs
  • ^holdprecombatbuffsongs
  • ^holdregularheals
  • ^holdresists (resist stat buffs)
  • ^holdrez
  • ^holdroots
  • ^holdslows
  • ^holdsnares

    Casting Interval Commands

    These commands allow you to control how often a bot will cast a type of spell after the previous one is finished casting.

  • ^buffdelay
  • ^curedelay
  • ^debuffdelay
  • ^dispeldelay
  • ^dotdelay
  • ^escapedelay
  • ^hatereduxdelay
  • ^incombatbuffdelay
  • ^lifetapdelay
  • ^mezdelay
  • ^nukedelay
  • ^rootdelay
  • ^slowdelay
  • ^snaredelay

    Maximum Threshold Commands

    These commands allow you to control when a bot will START casting a type of spell based off the target's health.

  • ^buffthreshold
  • ^completehealthreshold
  • ^curethreshold
  • ^debuffthreshold
  • ^dispelthreshold
  • ^dotthreshold
  • ^escapethreshold
  • ^fasthealthreshold
  • ^hatereduxthreshold
  • ^healthreshold
  • ^hothealthreshold
  • ^incombatbuffthreshold
  • ^lifetapthreshold
  • ^mezthreshold
  • ^nukethreshold
  • ^rootthreshold
  • ^slowthreshold
  • ^snarethreshold

    Minimum Threshold Commands

    These commands allow you to control when a bot will STOP casting a type of spell based off the target's health.

  • ^buffminthreshold
  • ^cureminthreshold
  • ^debuffminthreshold
  • ^dispelminthreshold
  • ^dotminthreshold
  • ^escapeminthreshold
  • ^hatereduxminthreshold
  • ^incombatbuffminthreshold
  • ^lifetapminthreshold
  • ^mezminthreshold
  • ^nukeminthreshold
  • ^rootminthreshold
  • ^slowminthreshold
  • ^snareminthreshold

    The exceptions to the target's percentages are Escapes, HateRedux, Lifetaps and InCombatBuffs for Shaman ONLY (Canni). Those ^threshold commands are based off the bot's HP instead of the target's.

    Heal Commands

    These commands allow you to control when a bot or player will receive heals.

  • ^completehealdelay
  • ^fasthealdelay
  • ^healdelay
  • ^hothealdelay

    Heal Thresholds can be used to set on any bot or player (use # commands for players, ie #healthreshold) to receive that type of heal at the set % and delay.
    ALL bots regardless of who owns them will honor each individual bot's and player's chosen settings.
    These are set ON each bot or player for them to be healed at that threshold, not on the bots DOING the healing.

    You want your Tank to only receive CHs every 2 seconds starting @ 80% and Fast Heals every 1 second starting @ 40%:
    Target your tank bot and type:
  • ^healthreshold 0 (disables regular heals), ^hothealthreshold 0 (disables HoT Heals), ^completehealthreshold 80 (receive CHs at 80% and below) and ^fasthealthreshold 40 (receive Fast Heals at 40% and below).
  • ^completehealdelay 2000 (receive CHs every 2 seconds), ^fasthealdelay 1000 (receive Fast Heals every 1 second).

    There are Fast Heals, Regular Heals, HoT (Heal Over Time) Heals and Complete Heals.

    Miscellaneous Commands

  • ^behindmob - Tells the bot to try to stay behind the target.
  • ^casterrange - Sets the range for which the caster to initiate the target at.
  • ^clickitem - Tells a bot to click an item they have equipped.
  • ^removefromraid - Forcibly removes your targeted bot from a raid.
  • ^useepic - Forces a bot to use their epic if it is equipped.
  • ^holdsettings - lists the bot's hold settings.
  • ^delaysettings - lists the bot's delay settings.
  • ^minthresholdsettings - lists the bot's minimum threshold settings.
  • ^thresholdsettings - lists the bot's maximum threshold settings.
  • ^copysettings - copies settings from the targeted bot to the named bot.

    Pet Healing Info

  • Pets will be healed using the default delay settings and can be toggled on/off with ^holdpetheals
  • You can control when they start healing pets by stances

    The thresholds for stances are as follows:
  • Balanced (default) will start with Regular Heals @ 55% and Fast @ 35%. No CHs, no HoTs.
  • Efficient will start with CHs @ 70%, Regular Heals @ 55%, Fast Heals @ 35%. No HoTs.
  • Reactive will do all the regular default heals starting with HoTs @ 85%, CHs @ 70%, Regular Heals @ 55% and Fast Heals @ 35%
  • Aggressive will not heal at all.
  • Burn will only cast Fast Heals/Regular Heals starting at 35%.
  • BurnAE will only Fast Heals/Regular Heals starting @ 25%.

    Raid Point Bot Unlock Thresholds

    Killing raid targets gains you raid points that unlock the progression path for unlocking more spawnable bots and the unlock thresholds are as follows:

  • 2 points <-- --> 6 bots
  • 4 points <-- --> 7 bots
  • 6 points <-- --> 8 bots
  • 9 points <-- --> 9 bots
  • 12 points <-- --> 10 bots
  • 15 points <-- --> 11 bots
  • 19 points <-- --> 12 bots
  • 23 points <-- --> 13 bots
  • 28 points <-- --> 14 bots
  • 33 points <-- --> 15 bots
  • 39 points <-- --> 16 bots
  • 45 points <-- --> 17 bots
  • 52 points <-- --> 18 bots
  • 60 points <-- --> 19 bots
  • 70 points <-- --> 20 bots
  • 80 points <-- --> 21 bots
  • 90 points <-- --> 22 bots
  • 100 points <-- --> 23 bots
  • 115 points <-- --> 24 bots
  • 130 points <-- --> 25 bots
  • 145 points <-- --> 26 bots
  • 160 points <-- --> 27 bots
  • 175 points <-- --> 28 bots
  • 190 points <-- --> 29 bots
  • 205 points <-- --> 30 bots
  • 220 points <-- --> 31 bots
  • 240 points <-- --> 32 bots
  • 260 points <-- --> 33 bots
  • 280 points <-- --> 34 bots
  • 300 points <-- --> 35 bots

  • Your progress of killed/unkilled raid targets and points can be tracked on CharBrowser by clicking the Raid button on your character's profile.
  • You can also talk to Guide Varn in The Hub for your point/unlock status.