Hot Zones reset weekly on Monday at 12:00AM Midnight CST

Reset in: 4 days, 22 hours, 29 minutes and 28 seconds.
Zone Name Level Range
Everfrost Peaks Newbie
The Nektulos Forest Newbie
Gorge of King Xorbb 5 to 15
Shadeweaver's Thicket 5 to 15
The Swamp of No Hope 16 to 25
The Estate of Unrest 16 to 25
The Crystal Caverns 26 to 35
Marus Seru 26 to 35
Kedge Keep 36 to 45
Mons Letalis 36 to 45
The Acrylia Caverns 46 to 55
The Ruins of Sebilis 46 to 55
Chardok 56 to 60
Kael Drakkel 56 to 60
Torment, the Plane of Pain 61 to 65
The Halls of Honor 61 to 65