in Eastern Plains of Karana by Theoris Bladespur (+2)
in Highpass Hold by Vranol Blackguard (+2)
in The Jaggedpine Forest by Barducks Darkpaw (+10)
Zed Sticklebush (+2)
a Darkpaw corruptor (+10)
a Darkpaw curate (+10)
a Darkpaw defiler (+10)
a Darkpaw gnoll (+10)
a Darkpaw healer (+10)
a Darkpaw mystic (+10)
a Darkpaw oracle (+10)
a Darkpaw warrior (+10)
a poacher (+2)
a poacher (+2)
a poacher (+2)
a poacher (+2)
Elishia Blackguard (+2)
Reynold Blackguard (+2)
Snarla the Fang (+10)
Vaurien Sticklebush (+2)
in The Permafrost Caverns by Greshvoule (+2)
in The Southern Plains of Karana by Ryleen Bladespur (+2)
in Toxxulia Forest by Fittorin Bladespur (+2)
in The Jaggedpine Forest by a black panther (-30)
a black pinewolf (-30)
a docile bear (-30)
a giant anaconda (-30)
a greenwood bear (-30)
a greenwood grizzly (-30)
a grey pinewolf (-30)
a treant (-30)
Jerg Oakenfist (-30)
StormClaw (-30)
in The Surefall Glade by Gurrin Nitestorm (-50)
Jhaya Wyndrunner (-75)
Lerian Wyndrunner (-75)