in East Commonlands by Jimble Woodentoe (+1)
in Eastern Plains of Karana by a druid (+1)
a druid (+1)
a druid (+1)
Tholris (+3)
in Kithicor Forest by Gandari (+1)
Ged Twigborn (+7)
Irin Lunis (+1)
Kithicor (+1)
Leaf Falldim (+7)
Morin Shadowbane (+150)
Nura Starwatcher (+1)
Tallyn Starwatch (+1)
Thumper (+1)
in Misty Thicket by Ella Foodcrafter (+3)
in Rivervale by Hibbs Rootenpaw (+1)
Kaya Cloudfoot (+1)
Shakey Scarecrow (+3)
in South Qeynos by Gash Flockwalker (+12)
in The Lesser Faydark by a pixie jongleur (+1)
in The Nektulos Forest by Forley (+3)
Gollee (+3)
Hamer (+3)
Himmel (+3)
Initiate Abber (+3)
Initiate Guanin (+3)
Initiate Hart (+3)
Initiate Pool (+3)
Initiate Rambel (+3)
Initiate Umbra (+3)
Leatherfoot Captain (+3)
Leatherfoot Corporal (+3)
Leatherfoot Medic (+3)
Leatherfoot Scout (+3)
Leatherfoot Sergeant (+3)
Master Whoopal (+3)
Quester Dunden (+3)
Snitch (+3)
in The Northern Plains of Karana by a druid (+1)
a druid (+1)
a treant (+1)
Briana Treewhisper (+1)
withered treant (+15)
Xanuusus (+10)
in The Qeynos Hills by Apprentice of Saxuus (+10)
Rilca Leafrunner (+1)
in The Southern Plains of Karana by a treant (+1)
in The Surefall Glade by Corun Finisc (+25)
Ran Walker (+1)
in The Western Plains of Karana by a treant (+1)
Linaya Sowlin (+12)
in West Commonlands by Ceel Moonwhisper (+1)
Shadow Treebright (+1)
in The Rathe Mountains by Albain Tinderbrand (-5)
an unkempt fanatic (-20)
Nola Thistleborn (-5)
Solvedi Aldeberan (-100)
Tholia Fastbond (-250)
Tibrinn Ember (-100)
unkempt preserver (-30)
unkempt preserver (-30)
unkempt preserver (-30)
unkempt preserver (-30)
Xenyari Lisariel (-20)