Tollari Mistell

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Full Name Tollari Mistell Paladin Spells
Level 24
Race Erudite
Class Merchant
Main Faction Merchants of Erudin
Health Points 770
Damage 3 to 50
Attack Speed110%
Special Attacks Magic Attack
Magic Resists 25
Cold Resists 25
Fire Resists 25
Disease Resists 25
Poison Resists 25

This NPC spawns in

Spawns every 20 min

Killing this NPC lowers factions with

This NPC sells

  • Spell: Calm (1 2 2 7)
  • Spell: Cancel Magic (2 1 8)
  • Spell: Counteract Poison (1 9 5 8)
  • Spell: Daring (1 2 2 7)
  • Spell: Dismiss Undead (1 9 5 8)
  • Spell: Endure Disease (2 7 5)
  • Spell: Greater Healing (1 9 5 8)
  • Spell: Guard (2 8 5 9)
  • Spell: Holy Might (1 2 2 7)
  • Spell: Revive (2 8 5 9)
  • Spell: Symbol of Pinzarn (3 9 3)
  • Spell: Symbol of Ryltan (1 9 5 8)
  • Spell: Valor (3 9 3)
  • Spell: Yaulp II (1 2 2 7)