Zordak Ragefire - [Named/Rare]
First Killed On 2024-06-10 18:05:34
Players: Macmel and Melmac

Search for this NPC on Allakhazam
Full Name Zordak Ragefire
Level 60
Race Human
Class Merchant
Main Faction
Health Points 19,000
Damage 30 to 60
Attack Speed110%
Special Attacks Magic Attack
Magic Resists 25
Cold Resists 25
Fire Resists 25
Disease Resists 25
Poison Resists 25

This NPC spawns in

Nagafen's Lair
Spawns every 24 hours +/- 12 hours

This NPC sells

  • Spell: Imbue Fire Opal (7 1 4 8)