Gimlik Cogboggle - [Named/Rare]
First Killed On 2024-06-09 10:58:15
Players: Macmel and Melmac

Search for this NPC on Allakhazam
Full Name Gimlik Cogboggle
Level 25
Race Gnome
Class Warrior
Main Faction Nitram
Health Points 7,500
Damage 11 to 68
Attack Speed110%
Special Attacks Magic Attack, Uncharmable
Magic Resists 15
Cold Resists 15
Fire Resists 15
Disease Resists 15
Poison Resists 15
Vegas Low378
Vegas High1,020

This NPC spawns in

Accursed Temple of CazicThule
Spawns every 18 hours +/- 6 hours

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