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Full Name Avin Raid Instances
Level 70
Race High Elf
Class Warrior
Main Faction Beta Neutral
Health Points 1,328,500
Damage 226 to 775
Attack Speed122%
Special Attacks Unslowable, Unmezzable, Uncharmable, Unstunnable, Unsnarable, Unfearable, Immune to Dispel, Immune to Melee, Immune to Magic, Does not flee, Immune to Non-Bane Melee, Immune to Non-Magic Melee, Resists Ranged Spells, Immune to Taunt, Unpacifiable
Magic Resists 26
Cold Resists 26
Fire Resists 26
Disease Resists 26
Poison Resists 26

This NPC spawns in

Drunder, the Fortress of Zek

Kael Drakkel

Plane of Hate

Ssraeshza Temple

The Crypt of Decay

The Halls of Honor

The Lair of Terris Thule

The Plane of Air

The Plane of Disease

The Plane of Earth

The Plane of Earth

The Plane of Fear

The Plane of Fire

The Plane of Growth

The Plane of Innovation

The Plane of Justice

The Plane of Mischief

The Plane of Nightmares

The Plane of Sky

The Plane of Storms

The Plane of Time

The Plane of Valor

The Plane of Water

The Sleeper's Tomb

The Temple of Marr

The Temple of Veeshan

The Torgiran Mines

The Tower of Solusek Ro

Torment, the Plane of Pain

Veeshan's Peak

Vex Thal
Spawns every 20 min

Killing this NPC lowers factions with