Shelae Wolfkin

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Full Name Shelae Wolfkin
Level 45
Race Barbarian
Class Merchant
Main Faction Inhabitants of Firiona Vie
Health Points 5,875
Damage 36 to 139
Attack Speed110%
Special Attacks Rooted,
Magic Attack
Magic Resists 25
Cold Resists 25
Fire Resists 25
Disease Resists 25
Poison Resists 25

This NPC spawns in

Firiona Vie
Spawns every 20 min

Killing this NPC lowers factions with

Killing this NPC raises factions with

This NPC sells

  • Spell: Annul Magic (47 7 5 3)
  • Spell: Celerity (5 1 7 1)
  • Spell: Deliriously Nimble (47 7 5 3)
  • Spell: Ice Strike (49 5 7 2)
  • Spell: Immobilize (5 1 7 1)
  • Spell: Malosini (94 2 2 1)
  • Spell: Maniacal Strength (94 2 2 1)
  • Spell: Mortal Deftness (97 5 5 6)
  • Spell: Regrowth (45 9 6 8)
  • Spell: Riotous Health (49 5 7 2)
  • Spell: Scale of Wolf (1 9 5 8)
  • Spell: Superior Healing (3 9 3)
  • Spell: Talisman of Kragg (51 4 2 5)
  • Spell: Turgur`s Insects (44 2 1 7)
  • Spell: Unfailing Reverence (100 9 4 9)