Spell: Iceflame of E`ci

Info - [ID: 3337]

Classes Wizard (63)
When cast on youShards of ice dance around your body.
When cast on other is surrounded by an aura of ice shards.
When fadingThe shards of ice fall away.
Casting Time3.5 sec
Recovery Time2.5 sec
Recast Time13 sec
TargetSelf Only
ResistUnresistable (Adjust: -10)
Duration1 hour (600 ticks)

Spell Effects

    Effect 1: Increase Spell Damage by up to 30%
    Effect 2: Limit: Instant Spells Only
    Effect 3: Limit Resist: Cold
    Effect 4: Limit: Min Level (60)
    Effect 5: Limit Max Level: 60

Items with this spell:

Spell: Iceflame of Ec'I