in Butcherblock Mountains by an aqua goblin (+1)
an aqua goblin shaman (+1)
an orc oracle (+1)
an orc scoutsman (+1)
aqua goblin marauder (+1)
Glubbsink (+1)
orc centurion (+1)
orc pawn (+1)
orc runner (+7)
in Crushbone by Ambassador D`Vinn (+11)
an orc thaumaturgist (+1)
Emperor Crush (+30)
Lord Darish (+1)
orc centurion (+1)
orc emissary (+1)
orc legionnaire (+1)
orc oracle (+1)
orc pawn (+1)
Orc Scoutsman (+1)
orc slaver (+1)
orc taskmaster (+1)
orc trainer (+1)
Orc Warden (+1)
orc warlord (+1)
royal guard (+1)
The Prophet (+1)
in Dagnor's Cauldron by an orc scout (+1)
in Firiona Vie by Luminare Pasinia (+10)
in Lake Rathetear by tainted aquagoblin (+1)
an aqua goblin (+1)
a deepwater goblin (+1)
a deepwater goblin (+1)
a deepwater goblin (+1)
a goblin net master (+1)
Lord Bergurgle (+1)
tainted aquagoblin (+1)
Webclaw Murkwave (+1)
in Neriak - Commons by Jarrex N`Ryt (+2)
Klan K`Jartan (+2)
Narex T`Vem (+2)
Seloxia Punox (+2)
Trizam N`Tan (+2)
Yegek B`Larin (+2)
in Neriak - Foreign Quarter by Guard F`Lok (+1)
Guard N`Mar (+1)
Guard Quexill (+1)
Guard Q`Tentu (+1)
Guard Tolax (+1)
Guard To`Biath (+1)
Rolynn B`Div (+2)
in Northern Desert of Ro by Dorn B`Dynn (+2)
in Oasis of Marr by a deepwater goblin (+1)
a deepwater goblin (+1)
a deepwater goblin (+1)
in Ocean of Tears by aqua goblin sacrifice (+1)
Brawn (+1)
Dragoon Artellin (+1)
Dragoon Darl (+1)
in Oggok by Ambassador K`Ryn (+30)
in The Castle of Mistmoore by Xicotl (+11)
in The Greater Faydark by an arborean sapling (+1)
an orc arsonist (+1)
a mature arborean (+1)
Centurion Relgle (+1)
Gurleg Bribgok (+1)
orc centurion (+1)
orc centurion (+1)
orc centurion (+1)
orc pawn (+1)
in The Lesser Faydark by orc centurion (+1)
orc chief (+1)
orc legionnaire (+1)
orc oracle (+1)
Teir`Dal Elite (+1)
in The Nektulos Forest by Captain N`Farre (+1)
Corporal D`Abth (+1)
Guard Gvarr (+1)
Guard N`Lan (+1)
Guard T`Quetal (+1)
Kirak Vil (+1)
Sergeant C`Orm (+1)
in Butcherblock Mountains by Deldryn Splendyr (-30)
in Crushbone by an elven slave (-5)
an elven slave (-5)
in Firiona Vie by Ailerina the Gentle (-30)
an explorer (-30)
Arial Fern (-30)
Assistant Buford (-3)
a pilgrim (-30)
a pilgrim (-30)
a pilgrim (-30)
a pilgrim (-30)
a pilgrim (-30)
a pilgrim (-30)
Balik Wolftrot (-30)
Basil the skinner (-30)
Brackin Nartoise (-30)
Brak Daggermist (-30)
Brisha Fyrestone (-30)
Broawn Goshart (-30)
Bronto Thudfoot (-30)
Captain Keatar (-30)
Captain Nealith (-30)
Clarissa Heartweaver (-30)
Dionin Needlespin (-30)
Dom Pathfinder (-30)
Dorg McMerin (-30)
Drake Mountainstorm (-30)
Dran Hieth (-30)
Drizel Maxton (-30)
Dune (-30)
Erica Swiftweave (-30)
Fieldsurgeon Trom (-30)
Firiona drixie (-30)
Firiona drixie (-30)
Firiona drixie (-30)
Firiona drixie (-30)
Firiona drixie (-30)
Firiona drixie (-30)
Fleceal Summer (-30)
Foloal Stormforest (-30)
Frothy (-30)
Fyrefly (-30)
Gearin Gaxx (-30)
Glinya Sweetpie (-30)
Guard Andile (-30)
Guard Ashmod (-30)
Guard Degada (-30)
Guard Eldarn (-30)
Guard Figwynn (-30)
Guard Frandan (-30)
Guard Grizma (-30)
Guard Hemyr (-30)
Guard Ivak (-30)
Guard Legolin (-30)
Guard Lithomin (-30)
Guard Meyana (-30)
Guard Nidmire (-30)
Guard Opano (-30)
Guard Razear (-30)
Guard Rysis (-30)
Guard Sigryr (-30)
Guard Tobiah (-30)
Guard Vitar (-30)
Guard Winis (-30)
Guard Yeolin (-30)
halfing swashbuckler (-3)
Hiptal Frizzleboth (-30)
Jessica Winter (-30)
Kaydin Gaxx (-30)
Lady Chromoire (-3)
Leala Swiftarrow (-30)
Lenka Stoutheart (-30)
Lieutenant Darakor (-30)
Lieutenant Feardeep (-30)
Marinda Flockwings (-30)
Marlyn McMerin (-30)
Nadia Starfeast (-30)
Nertith Gracon (-30)
Private Blackbark (-30)
Private Goldtouch (-30)
Quizan Gaxx (-30)
Raciel Sanherb (-30)
Rafron Brandin (-30)
Samson (-30)
Scout Bladethorn (-30)
Scout Bowfist (-30)
Scout Tallstump (-30)
Scout Treekill (-30)
Selien Nartoise (-30)
Sergeant Daelione (-3)
Sergeant Greenblade (-30)
Shelae Wolfkin (-30)
Shieldbearer Buerd (-30)
Shieldbearer Relios (-30)
Shrub Marwood (-30)
Vrionele (-30)
in Innothule Swamp by Fandl Arathin (-10)
Hogus Durmas (-10)
Jars Legola (-30)
Jyle Windstorm (-10)
Sylp Tyanathin (-10)
in Lake of Ill Omen by an explorer (-3)
an explorer (-3)
an explorer (-3)
a lead explorer (-3)
in Northern Felwithe by Guard Allmayn (-15)
Guard Crucorn (-15)
Guard Evital (-15)
Guard Hutian (-15)
Guard Jassong (-15)
Guard Kiston (-15)
Guard Legver (-15)
Guard Lovayn (-15)
Guard Meadom (-15)
Guard Mystan (-15)
Guard Settine (-15)
Guard Trerun (-15)
Guard Wisnyw (-15)
in Southern Felwithe by Guard Golyn (-15)
Guard Mystan (-15)
Guard Plage (-15)
Guard Psape (-15)
Guard Spioko (-15)
Guard Tistan (-15)
Guard Tynthal (-15)
in The Greater Faydark by Banker Willaen (-1)
Barkeep Aanlawen (-1)
Barkeep Lysslan (-1)
Barkeep Manlawen (-1)
Barkeep Myrisa (-1)
Barkeep Sissya (-1)
Barkeep Syntan (-1)
Barkeep Tuviena (-1)
Barkeep Tvanla (-1)
Barkeep Uulianu (-1)
Bilrio Surecut (-1)
Captain Silverwind (-15)
Gallin Woodwind (-5)
Guard Briarstorm (-15)
Guard Brookrock (-15)
Guard Crystalwind (-15)
Guard Dayblaze (-15)
Guard Eaglesong (-15)
Guard Fayfear (-15)
Guard Fayfield (-15)
Guard Fireblight (-15)
Guard Frostfallen (-15)
Guard Highmoon (-15)
Guard Marshmoor (-15)
Guard Moonwind (-15)
Guard Nitegazer (-15)
Guard Noonshadow (-15)
Guard Oakwillow (-15)
Guard Orcflayer (-15)
Guard Pinebramble (-15)
Guard Pineshade (-15)
Guard Rainstrider (-15)
Guard Starstrike (-15)
Guard Streamtree (-15)
Guard Sunblaze (-15)
Guard Sunweaver (-15)
Guard Tangleroot (-15)
Guard Treestrider (-15)
Guard Valewatcher (-15)
Hendricks (-1)
Innkeep Anisyla (-1)
Innkeep Larya (-1)
Innkeep Linen (-1)
Innkeep Wuleran (-1)
Josylyn Greenblade (-5)
Lieutenant Leafstalker (-15)
Linadian (-1)
Merchant Aianya (-1)
Merchant Aildien (-1)
Merchant Ainaiana (-1)
Merchant Aluuvila (-1)
Merchant Aluwenae (-1)
Merchant Gaeadin (-1)
Merchant Gerienae (-1)
Merchant Gililya (-1)
Merchant Iludarae (-1)
Merchant Kaeluase (-1)
Merchant Kanoldar (-1)
Merchant Kweili (-1)
Merchant Kwein (-1)
Merchant Laedar (-1)
Merchant Lanin (-1)
Merchant Legweien (-1)
Merchant Linolyen (-1)
Merchant Milania (-1)
Merchant Minamas (-1)
Merchant Muvien (-1)
Merchant Neaien (-1)
Merchant Nildar (-1)
Merchant Niwiny (-1)
Merchant Nluolian (-1)
Merchant Sylnis (-1)
Merchant Tananie (-1)
Merchant Tegdian (-1)
Merchant Tenra (-1)
Merchant Tiladinya (-1)
Merchant Tilluen (-1)
Merchant Tinolwenya (-1)
Merchant Tuluvdar (-1)
Merchant Uaylain (-1)
Merchant Ueaas (-1)
Merchant Weaolanae (-1)
Merchant Winerasea (-1)
Regren (-5)
Sindl Talonstrike (-5)
in The Lesser Faydark by Anelia Thrywiel (-1)
Bryn Fynndel (-1)
Cylas Delbrin (-1)
Faril Elvebryn (-1)
Galwyn Geldin (-1)
Glyndur Tindel (-5)
Gundel Elorion (-1)
Mywyn Tinendel (-1)
Sarawyn Amorfin (-1)
Vynn Thrildur (-1)
in The Rathe Mountains by Fandl Arathin (-10)
Hogus Durmas (-10)
Jars Legola (-10)
Jyle Windstorm (-10)
Sylp Tyanathin (-10)
in Timorous Deep by an elven overseer (-1)
an elven ranger (-1)
an elven scout (-1)
Seloris Windweaver (-1)
in West Freeport by Linadian (-1)